Valley Green House
2024 Plants
The cooler spring has been rough, but the plants are growing well.
We have plenty of petunias, carnations, Moss roses, zinnias and many other varieties of flowers. Also we have summer squash, cilantro, cantaloupe along with beef steak, roma and cherry tomatoes and more for your garden. Check out the order form for a complete list.
How to order
You can find an order form by clicking the button above, or at the school offices. You can email, or call the school at 208-829-5353. You can pick up your plants during school hours between May 1st and May 15th.. Email the address above if you need to arrange another time, I am flexible. We will also be open so you can pick up your plants for Mother’s Day. Have a wonderful spring. Thank you for your support.
Mother's Day Pick-up: May 11th from 11:00 AM till 6:00 PM